
Parachute - One Small Step Soundtrack Lyrics

Parachute – One Small Step Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “90210” TV (2009) ]  Oh this is one small step I know
But it’s the last time I’ll ever see you’re face
I’ll go out on a limb and we’ll hope it won’t break
It’s just five words So I’m figuring out just what I need to say
I’m writing it down and I’m getting it straight
It’s a double edge sword. It’s a very first date.
It can go both ways. What I had was tried and true
But all I want is you So I’m trying hard not to fight it
Light this fire and stand right beside it
If I go down at least I’ll go in flames
I’ll sing it out at the top of my lungs
The choir is small but it sings a big song
And If I go down at least you know my name. Oh this is one big step I know
It might not mean much but I can’t do much better
I never thought it’d be so hard
To say Hello. I caught a glimps and I never looked back
I’ll throw out the rope and we’ll cut out the slack
I’m keeping things tight and keeping things on track
It’s just five words What I had was tried and true
But all I want is you So I’m trying hard not to fight it
Light this fire and stand right beside it
If I go down at least I’ll go in flames
I’ll sing it out at the top of my lungs
The choir is small but it sings a big song
And If I go down at least you know my name. [Parachute – One Small Step Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category 90210 TV (2009)
Name "90210" TV (2009)

Picture/Poster Cover

Parachute - One Small Step Soundtrack Lyrics

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