
Darrelle London - Understand Soundtrack Lyrics

Darrelle London – Understand Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “90210” TV (2009) ]  Sorry if you wonder why I haven’t written you a song
Could you try and understand, it takes me pretty long
To trust you, not just you, but anyone
Could you try and understand
Sorry if you wonder why I don’t call you my BF
I don’t know if this helps but you can call me your GF
And your best friend and anything I seem to be to you
When they question what is she doing, what is she doing to you?
Could you try and understand
I don’t always understand
But could you try and understand and
Let me break it down for you I’m happy when I’m with you and I’m sad when you’re away
There’s not much I can give you today, today
But when you call my cell phone, your name on the display
Puts joy into my stomach, today, today Could you try and understand?
I don’t always understand
But could you try and understand, and
I’ll be your GF and your best friend
And anything I seem to be to you
When they question what is she doing, what is she doing to you
I’m your best friend, and anything I seem to be to you
When they question what is she doing, what is she doing to you
Could you try and understand
I don’t always understand
But could you try and understand
Could you try to, could you try to, understand understand? [Darrelle London – Understand Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category 90210 TV (2009)
Name "90210" TV (2009)

Picture/Poster Cover

Darrelle London - Understand Soundtrack Lyrics

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