
A B & The Sea - Bone Dry Soundtrack Lyrics

A B & The Sea – Bone Dry Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Chronicle” Movie (2012) ]  So here I am again
Just sitting on the top of the world
I don’t got no money, ain’t got no woman So is it right for me to treat you
Like you did me when we were young
And is it right for me to wait
To tell you now, to tell you now Bone dry, bone dry
Bone dry, bone dry
Bone dry, bone dry So I’ve been trying hard to find
Been searching for some peace of mind
But I don’t have the time, she sucked it from me So is it right for me to treat you
Like you did me when we were young
And is it right for me to wait
To tell you now, to tell you now That everything will come around
That everything will come around
Can you feel it come around
Can you feel it come around Bone, bone
Bone, bone
Bone, bone
Bone, bone Bone dry, bone dry
Bone dry, bone dry
Bone dry, bone dry [A B & The Sea – Bone Dry Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Chronicle Movie (2012)
Name "Chronicle" Movie (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

A B & The Sea - Bone Dry Soundtrack Lyrics

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