
Ambassadors - Litost Soundtrack Lyrics

Ambassadors – Litost Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “The Host” Movie (2013) ] What have I done
with my heart on the floor
i must be out of my mind
to come back begging for more. But if you stay,
if you just stay for the night,
swear that i’m yours
then i’ll prove that i’m right. and these flies kept me sleeping,
all my fears on their wings.
And your grandfather clock is still ticking,
but the chime never rings. And how long must i stay,
well i lay by your side.
Just to say that i’m yours,
When you’ll never be mine. This love i can hold,
Swallow my soul
dragging me down.
There is blood on the covers
from the curses we utter to each other
You played your part in this. Oh i play hide and go seek
safe behind your venire
does it carry a burden baby
Makes it all disappear But those marks on your thighs
don’t they sting when you bleed
its the way that you are,
and the way i’ll forever be This love i can hold,
Swollow my soul
dragging me down.
There is blood on the covers
from the curses we utter to each other
You played your part
In his love i can hold,
Swollow my soul
dragging me, and i swear i’ll stay with your
but i just can’t forgive you
and i’ll never be whole again [Ambassadors – Litost Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category The Host Movie (2013)
Name "The Host" Movie (2013)

Picture/Poster Cover

Ambassadors - Litost Soundtrack Lyrics

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