
Anonymous Soundtrack List - Tracklist

Anonymous Movie (2011) Soundtracks List – Tracklist – OST – Original Music from the Motion Picture, all songs list, who sings them, including end credits song list. Anonymous Soundtrack Information:
Audio CD (October 25, 2011)
Label: Madison Gate Records Anonymous Complete Soundtrack Song List:
Music by Thomas Wander and Harald Kloser. 1. She Had Your Child
2. The Succession
3. Edward’s Breakdown
4. Hamlet in the Rain
5. Soul of the Age
6. You Stay in England
7. God Save the Queen
8. Play After Play
9. The Voices
10. Arrest Them
11. Edward’s Theme
12. Words Will Prevail
13. Bedding the Queen
14. Bursting In
15. William Shake-Speare
16. It’s a Trap
17. Day of the Play
18. Will’s Triumph
19. The Other One Anonymous Film Information:
Plot: A political thriller advancing the theory that it was in fact Edward De Vere, Earl of Oxford who penned Shakespeare’s plays; set against the backdrop of the succession of Queen Elizabeth I, and the Essex Rebellion against her. Director: Roland Emmerich
Writer: John Orloff
Stars: Rhys Ifans, Vanessa Redgrave and David Thewlis
Genre: Drama
Release Date: 28 October 2011 (USA) Below you can buy the Soundtrack cd, to buy the official movie music, and to download the full songs.

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Anonymous Soundtrack List - Tracklist