
Betty Buckley - Hey There (The Pajama Game) Soundtrack Lyrics

Betty Buckley – Hey There (The Pajama Game) Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Ah, Men! The Boys of Broadway” Musical (2012) ] Hey there, you with the stars in your eyes
Love never made a fool of you
You used to be too wise Hey there, you on that high flying cloud
Though she won’t throw a crumb to you
You think some day she’ll come to you Better forget her
Her with her nose in the air
She has dancing on a string
Break it and she won’t care Won’t take this advice
I hand you like a brother
Or are you not seeing things too clear
Are you too much in love to hear Is it all going in one ear
And out the other Better forget her
Her with her nose in the air
She has you dancing on a string
Break it and she won’t care Won’t you take this advice
I hand you like a brother
Or are you not seeing things too clear
Are you too much in love to hear
Is it all going in one ear and out the other [Betty Buckley – Hey There (The Pajama Game) Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Ah, Men! The Boys of Broadway Musical (2012)
Name "Ah, Men! The Boys of Broadway" Musical (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

Betty Buckley - Hey There (The Pajama Game) Soundtrack Lyrics

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