
Cooties Soundtrack List

Cooties Soundtrack List Movie (2015) – Tracklist – OST List – Listen to original score and full songs, Theme Music, film score list, the playlist of all of the songs played in the movie, who sings them, including end credits. Cooties Soundtrack Details:

Original release date: September 18, 2015 Below you can view the complete Cooties Soundtrack list, score album tracklist

Original music composed by Kreng
1. Opening Titles
2. You Are So Fucking “Ugly”
3. Rick’s Tape
4. Dink Spreads The Virus
5. Mr. Simms Attacked
6. ‘Oh Look, Carnage!’
7. Wade Leads The Way
8. The Playground
9. Racer And Emily
10. Dink’s Death
11. ‘We’re All Gonna Die, Aren’t We?’
12. Trike Girl
13. The Candy Machine
14. The Kiss
15. Suiting Up
16. The Battle
17. Patriot’s Attack
18. Danville
19. Wandering In The Dark
20. Carnival
21. Finale
22. End Credits

Listen to all the full songs from the Cooties score in a playlist
Additional film music – songs that are not included in the official soundtrack list,
but are playing in the movie.
1. I Want You To Love America – Ian Brennan
2. God And A Shotgun – Angela Wood, Noah Needleman
3. My Rack – Angela Wood
4. Pop Goes The Weasel – Pepijn Caudron Cooties Film Information: Genre: Action, Comedy, Horror
Release date in USA: September 18, 2015 Director: Jonathan Milott, Cary Murnion
Writers: Leigh Whannell, Ian Brennan
Stars: Elijah Wood, Rainn Wilson, Alison Pill
Watch the trailer for Cooties

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Cooties Soundtrack List