
Dead Man’s Bones - In The Room Where You Sleep Soundtrack Lyrics

Dead Man’s Bones – In The Room Where You Sleep Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “The Conjuring” Movie (2013) ] I saw something sitting on you bed.
I saw something touching your head.
In the room where you sleep.
In the room where you sleep.
Where you……sleep. You better run.
(You got me runnin’; you got me runnin’ hard.)
You better run.
(You got me runnin’; you got me runnin’ hard.)
You better hide!
(You got me runnin’; you got me runnin’ hard.)
You better hide!
(You got me runnin’. I’m runnin’ out of time.) Oh…….You better run. Oh…. I saw something sitting on your bed.
I saw something touching your head.
In the room where you sleep.
In the room where you sleep.
Where you……sleep. You better run.
(You got me runnin’; you got me runnin’ hard.)
You better run.
(You got me runnin’; you got me runnin’ hard.)
You better hide!
(You got me runnin’; you got me runnin’ hard.)
You better hide!
(You got me runnin’. I’m runnin’ out of time.) Oh……….You better run. There’s something in the shadows in the corner of your room.
A dark heart is beating and waiting for you.
There is no open window, but the floors still creep.
In the room where you sleep.
In the room where you sleep……
Where you….sleep. You better run.
(You got me runnin’; you got me runnin’ hard.)
You better run.
(You got me runnin’; you got me runnin’ hard.)
You better hide!
(You got me runnin’; you got me runnin’ hard.)
You better hide!
(You got me runnin’. I’m runnin’ out of time.) Oh……You better……..run. [Dead Man’s Bones – In The Room Where You Sleep Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category The Conjuring Movie (2013)
Name "The Conjuring" Movie (2013)

Picture/Poster Cover

Dead Man’s Bones - In The Room Where You Sleep Soundtrack Lyrics

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