
Crystals - Da Doo Ron Ron Soundtrack Lyrics

Crystals – Da Doo Ron Ron Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Dreamboats & Petticoats 3” Musical (2009) ]  (Phil Spector/Jeff Barry/Ellie Greenwich) I met him on a Monday and my heart stood still
Da doo ron-ron-ron, Da doo ron-ron
Somebody told me that his name was Bill
Da doo ron-ron-ron, Da doo ron-ron Yeah, my heart stood still
Yes, his name was Bill
And when he walked me home
Da doo ron-ron-ron, Da doo ron-ron I knew what he was doing when he caught my eye
Da doo ron-ron-ron, Da doo ron-ron
He looked so quiet but my oh my
Da doo ron-ron-ron, Da doo ron-ron Yeah, he caught my eye
Yes, oh my, oh my
And when he walked me home
Da doo ron-ron-ron, Da doo ron-ron [Sax solo] He picked me up at seven and he looked so fine
Da doo ron-ron-ron, Da doo ron-ron
Someday soon I’m gonna make him mine
Da doo ron-ron-ron, Da doo ron-ron Yeah, he looked so fine,
Yes, I’ll make him mine
And when he walked me home
Da doo ron-ron-ron, Da doo ron-ron [Crystals – Da Doo Ron Ron Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Dreamboats & Petticoats 3 Musical (2009)
Name "Dreamboats & Petticoats 3" Musical (2009)

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Crystals - Da Doo Ron Ron Soundtrack Lyrics

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