
Freddy Cannon - Palisades Park Soundtrack Lyrics

Freddy Cannon – Palisades Park Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Dreamboats & Petticoats 3” Musical (2009) ]  Last night I took a walk after dark
A swingin’ place called Palisades Park
To have some fun and see what I could see
That’s where the girls are I took a ride on a shoot-the-chute
That girl I sat beside was awful cute
And after while she was holdin’ hands with me My heart was flyin’ up like a rocket ship
Down like a roller coaster
Back like a loop-the-loop
And around like a merry-go-round We ate and ate at a hot dog stand
We danced around to a rockin’ band
And when I could, I gave that girl a hug
In the tunnel of love You’ll never know how great a kiss can feel
When you stop at the top of a Ferris wheel
When I fell in love down at Palisades Park Instrumental with the sound of a roller coaster and the screams of its riders We ate and ate at a hot dog stand
We danced around to a rockin’ band
And when I could, I gave that girl a hug
In the tunnel of love You’ll never know how great a kiss can feel
When you stop at the top of a Ferris wheel
When I fell in love down at Palisades Park Down at Palisades Park FADE
You know it’s Palisades Park
Down at Palisades Park [Freddy Cannon – Palisades Park Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Dreamboats & Petticoats 3 Musical (2009)
Name "Dreamboats & Petticoats 3" Musical (2009)

Picture/Poster Cover

Freddy Cannon - Palisades Park Soundtrack Lyrics

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