
Dredd 3D Soundtrack List

Dredd 3D Movie (2012) Soundtrack List – Tracklist – OST – Listen to Original Theme Music from the Motion Picture, film score list, all songs list – playlist, who sings them, including end credits. Dredd 3D Soundtrack Information: The soundtrack for “Dredd 3D” is set for a digital release on September 3, 2012, followed by a physical release on September 10th via Metropolis Movie Music.
The album will feature original scores composed by Paul Leonard-Morgan who was also responsible for the “Limitless” soundtrack. Below you can view the complete Dredd 3D soundtrack (score) list: Music composed by Paul Leonard-Morgan:
1. She’s A Pass
2. Mega City One
3. The Plan
4. The Rise Of Ma-Ma
5. Anderson’s Theme
6. Lockdown
7. Cornered
8. Kay Escapes
9. Mini-Guns
10. Undefined Space
11. Bad Judges
12. Judgment Time
13. Hiding Out
14. Order In The Chaos
15. Slo-Mo
16. Taking Over Peach Trees
17. It’s All A Deep End
18. Judge, Jury And Executioner
19. Any Last Requests?
20. You Look Ready
21. Ma-Ma’s Requiem
22. Apocalyptic Wasteland Dredd 3D Film Information: Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Release Date: 21 September 2012 (USA) Director: Pete Travis
Writers: Carlos Ezquerra (characters), Alex Garland (screenplay)
Stars: Karl Urban, Olivia Thirlby and Lena Headey Plot:
In a violent, futuristic city where the police have the authority to act as judge, jury and executioner, a cop teams with a trainee to take down a gang that deals the reality-altering drug, SLO-MO. The trailer music for Dredd 3D features La Roux – In for the Kill (Skream Remix), and you can listen to it below: And below you can listen to audio clips from the soundtrack of Dredd 3D: Dredd Soundtrack 01 She’s a Pass
Dredd Soundtrack 02 Mega City One
Dredd Soundtrack 03 The Plan
Dredd Soundtrack 04 The Rise of Ma Ma
Dredd Soundtrack 05 Anderson’s Theme
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Dredd 3D Soundtrack List