
Elisa - Apologize Soundtrack Lyrics

Elisa – Apologize Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Someday This Pain Will Be Useful to You” Movie (2012) ] Been a hard day, but I’m feel insane
Though they point at me with the fingers of blame
The last deal real and I know it’s a shame
Get on track, but is that my aim?
Apologize, destined to apologize
Apologize, destined to apologize
Tu, tu, tu, tu… It’s a fresh day, but adrenaline slow
And I ask myself, should I just let go?
Wanted to sleep, but it’s too inflow
If we take that lead will you even know?
Apologize, destined to apologize
Apologize, destined to apologize
Tu, tu, tu, tu… Can’t read the future, don’t believe in miracles
I’m just stepping on water, stumbling into some order
I can’t read future, don’t believe in a miracle
I’m just stepping on water, stumbling into some order
Yeah, just stepping on water! Making it through and satisfied
Can you hear them say how death to fight
When the crowd run, I still wanna hide
But my hair is straight I’m loving insight
Apologize, you’re destined to apologize
Apologize, destined to apologize
Tu, tu, tu, tu Can’t read the future, don’t believe in miracles
I’m just stepping on water, stumbling into some order
I can’t read future, don’t believe in a miracle
I’m just stepping on water, stumbling into some order
Yeah, just stepping on water! [Elisa – Apologize Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Someday This Pain Will Be Useful to You Movie (2012)
Name "Someday This Pain Will Be Useful to You" Movie (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

Elisa - Apologize Soundtrack Lyrics

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