
Fiona Apple - Dull Tool Soundtrack Lyrics

Fiona Apple – Dull Tool Soundtrack Lyrics [ From the “This Is 40” Movie (2012) ] Come on out, come on out,
Where’d you go, where’d you go?
I don’t mean to pry here Figure out, figure out
What you know, what you know
Figure out how to say it clear
Cause you’re more likely to get cut with a dull tool, than a sharp one
You, you stuck around,
You stuck around,
You stuck around,
Until you got me
Then, then you got me Chorus:
You, You don’t kiss when you kiss,
You don’t f*ck when you f*ck
You don’t say what you mean, you don’t talk not enough
No possible, impossible patience
Impossible You forgot the difference between equanimity and passivity
You forgot you have to try, you have to try, you have to try
You forgot that glorious feeling that you get when you get the truth
So tell that girl you don’t love her
And if you do, tell her two times
Cause you’re more likely to get cut with a dull tool, than a sharp one Chorus:
You,You don’t kiss when you kiss,
You don’t f*ck when you f*ck
You don’t say what you mean, you don’t talk not enough
No possible, impossible patience
Impossible You,You don’t kiss when you kiss,
You don’t f*ck when you f*ck
You don’t say what you mean, you don’t talk not enough
No possible, impossible patience
Imá¹—ossible You,You don’t kiss when you kiss,
You don’t f*ck when you f*ck
You don’t say what you mean, you don’t talk not enough
No possible, impossible patience
You,You don’t kiss when you kiss,
You don’t f*ck when you f*ck
You don’t say what you mean, you don’t talk not enough
No possible, impossible patience
Celebration’s impossible
Celebration’s impossible
Celebration’s impossible [Fiona Apple – Dull Tool Soundtrack Lyrics] The premiere of these lyrics was on https://www.lyricspremiere.com/fiona-apple-dull-tool-lyrics.html

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Soundtrack Information

Category This Is 40 Movie (2012)
Name "This Is 40" Movie (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

Fiona Apple - Dull Tool Soundtrack Lyrics

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