
Stars - My Favourite Book Soundtrack Lyrics

Stars – My Favourite Book Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Friday the 13th” Movie (2009) ]  I was always late, you never afraid, that we could be falling
All our friends would say, maybe we should wait, but they can’t see what’s coming
And to this day, when everything breaks, you are the anchor that holds me And that is why we’ll always make it How I know your face, all the ways you move, you come in, I can read you
You’re my favourite book
All the things you say, the way you shift your eyes
I never knew there was someone, to make me come alive When the days are long, and the thunder with the storm, can always get me crying
You can make my bed, I’ll fall into it, shattered but not lonely
Because I never knew a home, until I found your hands, when I’m weathered
You come to me, you’re my best friend And that is why we’ll always make it How I know your face, all the ways you move, you come in, I can read you
You’re my favourite book
All the things you say, the way you shift your eyes
I never knew there was someone, to make me come alive And when we’re making love
I’d give up everything up for your touch How I know your face, all the ways you move, you come in, I can read you
You’re my favourite book
All the things you say, the way you shift your eyes
I never knew there was someone, to make me come alive When you go to work all the day I wait
For you to come home, recount our time, in our little place [Stars – My Favourite Book Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Friday the 13th Movie (2009)
Name "Friday the 13th" Movie (2009)

Picture/Poster Cover

Stars - My Favourite Book Soundtrack Lyrics

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