
Rogue Wave - This Too Shall Pass Soundtrack Lyrics

Rogue Wave – This Too Shall Pass Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Friends With Benefits” Movie (2011) ]  [Verse 1] You know you can’t keep letting it get you down
And you can’t keep dragging that dead weight around
If there ain’t all that much to lug around
Better run like hell when you hit the ground [Chorus] When the morning comes
When the morning comes [Verse 2] You can’t stop these kids from dancing
Why would you want to?
Especially when you’re already getting yours
Cuz if your mind don’t move and your knees don’t bend
Well don’t go blaming the kids again [Chorus] When the morning comes
When the morning comes
When the morning comes
When the morning comes
When the morning comes
When the morning comes
Yeah, oh yeah When the morning comes
When the morning comes
When the morning comes
When the morning comes
When the morning comes [Bridge] Let it go
This too shall pass
Let it go
This too shall pass
You know you can’t keep letting it get you down
No, you can’t keep letting it get you down
Let it go
This too shall pass [Chorus] When the morning comes
When the morning comes
When the morning comes
When the morning comes [Rogue Wave – This Too Shall Pass Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Friends With Benefits Movie (2011)
Name "Friends With Benefits" Movie (2011)

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Rogue Wave - This Too Shall Pass Soundtrack Lyrics

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