
Hank Williams - Ramblin' Man Soundtrack Lyrics

Hank Williams – Ramblin’ Man Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Moonrise Kingdom” Movie (2012) ] I can settle dow-own and be doin’just fine
Til I hear an old train rollin’down the line
Then I hurry strai-aight home and pack
And if I didn’ go, I believe I’ blow my stack
I love you ba-aby, but you gotta understand
When the lord made me
He made a ramblin’ man. Some folks might sa-ay that I’ no good
That I wouldn’ settle down if I could
But when that open ro-oad starts to callin’me
There’ somethin’o’r the hill that I gotta see
Sometimes it’ har-rd but you gotta understand
When the lord made me, he made a ra-amblin’man. I love to see the tow-owns a-passin’by
And to ride these rails ‘eath god’ blue sky
Let me travel this la-and from the mountains to the sea
‘Cause that’ the life I believe he meant for me
And when I’ go-one and at my grave you stand
Just say God called home your ra-amblin’man. [Hank Williams – Ramblin’ Man Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Moonrise Kingdom Movie (2012)
Name "Moonrise Kingdom" Movie (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

Hank Williams - Ramblin' Man Soundtrack Lyrics

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