
Hungry Hearts Soundtrack List

Hungry Hearts Soundtrack List Movie (2015) – Tracklist – OST List – Listen to original score and full songs, Theme Music, film score list, the playlist of all of the songs played in the movie, who sings them, including end credits. Hungry Hearts Soundtrack Details:

Original release date: April 21, 2015 Below you can view the complete Hungry Hearts Soundtrack list, score album tracklist: Original music composed by Nicola Piovani 1. HUNGRY HEARTS: Hungry hearts
2. Hungry tango
3. Hungry doubts:
4. Hungry Mina
5. Hungry dreams
6. Hungry celesta
7. Hungry carillon
8. Hungry beach
9. Hungry glockenspiel
10. Hungry Piano
11. BANANA: Banana
12. Banana spleen
13. Banana tango
14. Banana in bici
15. Banana tanghetto
16. Banana carioca
17. Banana e Jessica
18. Banana il brasiliano
19. Banana refrain
20. L;AMORE NON PERDONA: L’amore non perdona
21. L’amore sospeso
22. Adriana e Mohamed
23. Volo a Tangeri
24. Adriana Salsa
25. Adagio e sfibrato
26. Un ultima primavera
27. L’amore sincopato Additional film music – songs that are not included in the official soundtrack list,
but are playing in the movie.
1. Flashdance… What a Feeling – Irene Cara Hungry Hearts Film Information: Genre: Drama, Thriller
Release date in USA: June 5, 2015 Director: Saverio Costanzo
Writers: Marco Franzoso (novel), Saverio Costanzo (screenplay)
Stars: Adam Driver, Alba Rohrwacher, Roberta Maxwell
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Hungry Hearts Soundtrack List