
Imagine Dragons - Lost Cause Soundtrack Lyrics

Imagine Dragons – Lost Cause Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Frankenweenie: Unleashed” Animation (2012) ] Oh, dig my shallow grave
It’s not me you’ll save
Cuz’ I’m a lost cause
I’m a lost cause
A lost, lost cause Wait, all this time that I have spent away
Makes me think that I might be okay,
For this, the deaf will have to wait
My head, is holding on to all those things you said
You taught me to be strong and get through it, the mist of darkness
In my head Oh, dig my shallow grave
It’s not me you’ll save
Cuz’ I’m a lost cause
I’m a lost cause
A lost, lost cause Wait, no one said what’s lost cannot be found
You are here to make it safe and sound,
Oh we, can make it, out alive
Fate, hath its way when all that’s learned is sin
Nothing really matters in the end,
As long, as you, are with me, friend Oh, dig my shallow grave
It’s not me you’ll save
Cuz’ I’m a lost cause
I’m a lost cause
A lost, lost cause No one can understand me
Like you can understand
No one can fill your shadow
Cuz you are all I am Oh, dig my shallow grave
It’s not me you’ll save
Cuz I’m a lost cause
I’m a lost cause
A lost, lost cause [Imagine Dragons – Lost Cause Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Frankenweenie: Unleashed Animation (2012)
Name "Frankenweenie: Unleashed" Animation (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

Imagine Dragons - Lost Cause Soundtrack Lyrics

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