
Chris Pontius - Karazy Soundtrack Lyrics

Chris Pontius – Karazy Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Jackass Number Two” Movie (2006) ]  You say you know karate
well I know karazy.
I’m always rockin’ and rollin’.
‘cept when I’m too lazy. All night, every night.
Well not every night, but almost every night.
All night, all night at a time.
I’m insane. I’m the king of everybody.
I ain’t no fuddyduddy.
Once you see it, it’s not an illusion. You’re just snoozin you loosin
Snoozin you loosin.
Snoozin you loosin.
Snoozin you loosin.
You’re in for a bruisin. All night, every night.
Well not every night, but almost every night.
All night, all night at a time.
I’m insane. Come and watch me!! All night, every night.
Well not every night, but almost every night.
All night, all night at a time.
I’m insane. Alright, break it down for me fellas.
Not Enough!
Break it down for me a little more.
Oh, play that one thing for me. You say you know karate
well I know karazy.
I’m always rockin’ and rollin’.
‘cept when I’m too lazy. Snoozin you loosin.
Snoozin you loosin.
Snoozin you loosin.
Snoozin you loosin.
Snoozin you loosin. Hahahahahahahahahahaha.
Oh my god. [Chris Pontius – Karazy Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Jackass Number Two Movie (2006)
Name "Jackass Number Two" Movie (2006)

Picture/Poster Cover

Chris Pontius - Karazy Soundtrack Lyrics

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