
The Vandals - Urban Struggle Soundtrack Lyrics

The Vandals – Urban Struggle Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Jackass Number Two” Movie (2006) ]  I want to be a Cowboy
I got to be a Cowboy
I’m born to be a Cowboy
I want to be a Cowboy
A Cowboy! Uh-huh Tonight we’re taking me fast car
Were gonna go down to the Cowboy bar
I’m gonna wait till the club is full
and I’m gonna ride the mechanical bull Cowboy look is the one I sought
Can’t change now cause the clothes are bought
To be a true Cowboy was my fate
I can’t help it if I was born late All the Cowgirls in their Stetson hats
and their tight fitting jeans so they don’t look fat
We’ll all be listening to the Cowboy tunes
and stomp around like a bunch of goons Cowboy look is the one I sought
Can’t change now cause the clothes are bought
To be a true cowboy was my fate
I can’t help it if I was born late We’re all OD’d on the Olden West
seein’ who’s Cowboy clothes look the best
I can ride that phony bull so damn good
Sometimes I think I’m Clint Eastwood Cowboy look is the one I sought
Can’t change now cause the clothes are bought
To be a true cowboy was my fate
I can’t help it if I was born late I know I’m a Cowboy deep inside
My hat band’s made out of synthetic rattle snake hide
After a couple shit kickin’ Cowboy movies
I’ll check out the Cowboy scene down at Zubie’s Cowboy look is the one I sought
Can’t change now cause the clothes are bought
To be a true cowboy was my fate
I can’t help it if I was born late Find out who all fights the best
We start fights with them punks at the Cuckoo’s Nest
Those damn punks are crazy (though)
and meaner than a bull at a rodeo Cowboy look is the one I sought
Can’t change now cause the clothes are bought
To be a true cowboy was my fate
I can’t help it if I was born late You call me an Urban clone of course
A big deal if I’m afraid to ride a horse
With a broken nose and a fucked up knee
Maybe this Cowboy scene just ain’t for me Cowboy look is the one I sought
Can’t change now cause the clothes are bought
To be a true cowboy was my fate
I can’t help it if I was born late Yee Haw Cowboy look is the one I sought
Can’t change now cause the clothes are bought
To be a true cowboy was my fate
I can’t help it if I was born late ( I couldn’t make it as a Punker ) [The Vandals – Urban Struggle Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Jackass Number Two Movie (2006)
Name "Jackass Number Two" Movie (2006)

Picture/Poster Cover

The Vandals - Urban Struggle Soundtrack Lyrics

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