
Jackie & Ryan Soundtrack List

Jackie & Ryan Soundtrack List Movie (2015) – Tracklist – Listen to full soundtrack songs, the playlist of all of the songs played in the movie, trailers songs, what songs and who sings them, including end credits. Jackie & Ryan Soundtrack Details:

Original release date: July 3, 2015 Below you can view the complete official Jackie & Ryan Soundtrack list, album tracklist 1. Train – Fergus Daly, Lyle Werner, Ami Canaan Mann and Nick Hans
2. Georgia Crawl – Ben Barnes, Nick Hans and Lyle Warner
3. Last Kind Words – Ben Barnes, Nick Hans and Lyle Warner
4. Dance All Night – Ben Barnes, Nick Hans and Lyle Warner
5. They Say – Interstate65 Musc (BMI)
6. Pick Poor Robin Clean – Ben Barnes and Nick Hans
7. Southbound – Ben Barnes and Katherine Heigl
8. Into The Blue – Sheila Nicholls
9. Down On Penny’s Farm – Ben Barnes
10. Down On Penny’s Farm – Emily Alyn Lind
11. Maybelle – Nick Hans and Lyle Werner
12. Swallowtail Jig – Julia Skowronek, Kaylie Skowronek and Ailie Skowronek
13. June Apple – The Red Desert Ramblers
14. Down On Penny’s Farm – Katherine Heigl and Emily Alyn Lind
15. How Long Is Love Gonna Be? – Fergus Daly
16. Sitting On Top Of the World – Ben Barnes and Nick Hans
17. There’s This Love – Fergus Daly
18. 900 Miles – Ben Barnes, Nick Hans, Lyle Werner and Tanner Bray
19. Southbound – Ben Barnes, Nick Hans, Lyle Werner, Joshua Larsen, Gavin Ryan and Tanner Bray
20. Birds Fly – Ben Barnes, Nick Hans, Lyle Werner and Ami Canaan Mann
21. As The Road Goes – Ben Barnes & Katherine Heigl

Listen to all the full songs from the Jackie & Ryan score in a playlist
Additional film music – songs that are not included in the official soundtrack list,
but are playing in the movie.
1. I Know You Rider – Ben Barnes
2. Jackie & Ryan Break Free – The Stay All Night Rounders Jackie & Ryan Film Information: Genre: Drama
Release date in USA: July 3, 2015 Director: Ami Canaan Mann
Writers: Ami Canaan Mann
Stars: Katherine Heigl, Ben Barnes, Clea DuVall
Watch the trailer for Jackie & Ryan

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The scene descriptions are also available for each song, in the list, if you click on the icon.
Scene descriptions. The songs are in the order of apperance:

1. Train – Fergus Daly, Lyle Werner, Ami Canaan Mann and Nick Hans

[1'] 1st scene of the movie. Opening credits. Ryan lighting a cigarette and travelling to get to Georgie.

2. Georgia Crawl – Ben Barnes, Nick Hans and Lyle Warner

[4'] First song Ryan and George sing on the street in Ogden.

3. Last Kind Words – Ben Barnes, Nick Hans and Lyle Warner

[6'] Second song Ryan and George sing on the street, in Ogden. Jackie sees them and tells them they're good.

4. Dance All Night With A Bottle In Your Hand – Ben Barnes, Nick Hans and Lyle Warner

[7'] Third song Ryan and George sing on the street, in Ogden, after Jackie leaves.

5. They Say - Interstate65 Musc (BMI)

[8'] Plays at the music store, in background, as Ryan sees the mahogany (sides and neck) guitar.

6. Pick Poor Robin Cleans - Ben Barnes and Nick Hans

[9'] At the music shop, Ryan plays it shortly to try the guitar on.

7. Southbound - Ben Barnes and Katherine Heigl

[21'] Ryan hums it on Jakie's front porch as Jackie puts Lia to sleep.
[25'] On Jackie's front porch, they hum it together. Right before it starts snowing and Ryan is forced to spend the night over.
[31'] Next day, tries it at the piano.

8. Into The Blue - Sheila Nicholls

[35'] Plays in background, at the music shop as Ryan goes back for the guitar and shortly plays Southbound. Before Jakie has her conference call.

9. Down On Penny’s Farm - Ben Barnes

[40'] After Jackie gets the ultimatum from her soon to be ex-husband. Ryan sings it for and with the kids in the music shop as Jackie watches him.

10. Down On Penny’s Farm – Emily Alyn Lind

[43'] Lia sings it on the front porch as Ryan fixes the rooftop. She plays it for Jackie right before she asks if they can take Ryan to Fiddler's Night.

11. Maybelle - Nick Hans and Lyle Werner

[44'] First song that plays in the background, at Fiddler's Night, as Lia asks Jackie for 5 bucks for an elephant ear.

12. Swallowtail Jig – Julia Skowronek, Kaylie Skowronek and Ailie Skowronek

[44'] Second song that's being played at Fiddler's Night. 3 girls sing it at their violins. Ryan watches them right before they meet Virginia.

13. June Apple - The Red Desert Ramblers

[45'] Third song that plays in the background, at Fiddler's Night, as Jackie and Virginia talk about kids. Right before Doc comes in and steals Jackie so he'd take her on the stage.

14. Down On Penny's Farm - Katherine Heigl and Emily Alyn Lind

[48'] Jackie and Lia, her daughter, sing it at Fiddler's Night, as Ryan watches them.

15. How Long Is Love Gonna Be? – Fergus Daly

[50'] Fergus Daly sings this song at Fiddler's Night after Jackie and Lia had sung there. Jackie runs outside, ready to burst in tears. Ryan goes after and comforts her. Jakie and Ryan's first kiss.

16. Sitting On Top Of the World – Ben Barnes and Nick Hans

[1h 04'] Ryan sings this on the street right as Virginia calls to announce Cowboy's death. After Jackie asks Lia if she wants to grow up in Ogden.

17. There’s This Love – Fergus Daly

[1h 09'] Plays after Ryan leaves town. Jackie tells Alfred she has the documents to sell her NY property and flies back to New York. Ryan travels to Portland to record his songs.

18. 900 Miles – Ben Barnes, Nick Hans, Lyle Werner and Tanner Bray

[1h 22'] In the studio in Portland, second song they play.

19. Southbound - Ben Barnes, Nick Hans, Lyle Werner, Joshua Larsen, Gavin Ryan and Tanner Bray

[1h 22'] In Portland, an the studio in Portland, second song they play.

20. Birds Fly – Ben Barnes, Nick Hans, Lyle Werner and Ami Canaan Mann

[1h 25'] End Credits, 1st song.

21. As The Road Goes – Ben Barnes & Katherine Heigl

[1h 29'] End Credits, 2nd song.

Scene descriptions for the additional songs

2. Jackie & Ryan Break Free - The Stay All Night Rounders

[59'] Jackie sells her jewelry to get the money for the retainer. Ryan sings more so he'd get the money to buy the guitar he likes. Jakie asks Lia if she'd like to grow up in Ogden.

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Jackie & Ryan Soundtrack List