
The Police - Driven To Tears Soundtrack Lyrics

The Police – Driven To Tears Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Just Go With It” Movie (2011) ]  How can you say that you’re not responsible?
What does it have to do with me?
What is my reaction?
What should it be?
Confronted by this latest atrocity
Driven to tears
Driven to tears
Driven to tears Hide my face in my hands, shame wells in my throat
My comfortable existence is reduced
To a shallow, meaningless party
Seems that when some innocents die
All we can offer them is a page in a some magazine
Too many cam’ras and not enough food
‘Cause this is what we’ve seen
Driven to tears
Driven to tears
Driven to tears Protest is futile
Nothing seems to get through
What’s to become of our world?
Who knows what to do?
Driven to tears
Driven to tears
Driven to tears
Driven to tears
Driven to tears
Driven to tears [The Police – Driven To Tears Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Just Go With It Movie (2011)
Name "Just Go With It" Movie (2011)

Picture/Poster Cover

The Police - Driven To Tears Soundtrack Lyrics

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