
Labor Day Soundtrack List

Labor Day Soundtrack List Movie (2013) – Tracklist – OST List – Listen to Original Score, Theme Music from the Motion Picture, film score list, the playlist of all of the songs played in the movie, who sings them, including end credits. Labor Day Soundtrack Details:

Original release date: December 17, 2013 Below you can view the complete Labor Day Soundtrack list, score album tracklist: Original music composed by Rolfe Kent.
1. I’m Going Home – Arlo Guthrie (3:14)
2. A Stroll (2:48)
3. Price Mart (4:56)
4. Hunger For Human Touch (4:15)
5. Frank the HandyMan (2:24)
6. Eating Pie (1:43)
7. Here Before – Vashti Bunyan (2:06)
8. Exercises in B Minor, Op. 35, No. 22: Allegretto – Shin-ichi Fukuda (1:56)
9. Adele’s Miscarriages (4:42)
10. Letter To Dad (5:17)
11. Frank Is Arrested (1:26)
12. Henry Grows Up (7:31)
13. Romance de los Pinos – Andrés Segovia (1:41) Labor Day Film Information: Genre: Drama
Release date: January 31, 2013 (USA) Director: Jason Reitman
Writers: Jason Reitman (screenplay), Joyce Maynard
Stars: Kate Winslet, Josh Brolin, Gattlin Griffith Plot:
“Depressed single mom Adele and her son Henry offer a wounded, fearsome man a ride. As police search town for the escaped convict, the mother and son gradually learn his true story as their options become increasingly limited.“ The soundtrack audio clips will be added as soon as they become available.

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Labor Day Soundtrack List