
Lee Ving, Dave Grohl, Taylor Hawkins, Alain Johannes & Pat Smear - Your Wife Is Calling Soundtrack Lyrics

Lee Ving, Dave Grohl, Taylor Hawkins, Alain Johannes & Pat Smear – Your Wife Is Calling Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Sound City” Documentary (2013) ] 12341234 Your wife is calling (tell her I’m not here)
Your wife is calling (just havin one beer)
Your wife is calling (die berfrau)
Your wife is calling (I’ll be home in half an hour)
Your wife is calling (did you say something dear?)
Your wife is calling (gah having one more beer)
Your wife is calling (you’ve nothin to fear)
Your wife is calling (divorcing for beer) Your wife is calling,Your wife is calling Your wife is calling,Your wife is calling Talkin on the phone, never leave me alone
There’s no girls here, just drinkin beer
How’d you know I’m here?
I’ll be right home dear
now we stop for cheer
havin a beer with the Foo Fighters and Fear! Your wife is calling,Your wife is calling Your wife is calling,Your wife is calling
Your wife is calling,Your wife is calling **extremely cool harmonica/guitar/drum Your wife is calling,Your wife is calling
Your wife is calling,Your wife is calling
Your wife is calling,Your wife is calling
Your wife is calling,Your wife is calling [Lee Ving, Dave Grohl, Taylor Hawkins, Alain Johannes & Pat Smear – Your Wife Is Calling Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Sound City Documentary (2013)
Name "Sound City" Documentary (2013)

Picture/Poster Cover

Lee Ving, Dave Grohl, Taylor Hawkins, Alain Johannes & Pat Smear - Your Wife Is Calling Soundtrack Lyrics

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