
Madagascar 2 - Jungle Rhythm Soundtrack Lyrics

Madagascar 2 – Jungle Rhythm Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Madagascar 2: Escape 2 Africa” Animation (2008) ]  That morning sun peeks over the mountains
And all the rhinos rub their eyes
When they hear
(hear what?)
Hear the jungle rythm Those birds are tap-tap-tappin’ the tree tronks
The busy bee hums as he flies
Loud and clear
To the jungle rythm Now you can hightail it out of the jungle
But it never leaves your heart
First you feel that beat start
bubbling under
Then you hear the tam-tams
Loud as thunder (it’s moving me!) Sounds a lot like being free
When you feel
Feel the jungle rythm
Feel the Jungle rythm (come on, Shanti!) Can’t do without rythm
And when it fills the air
Animals everywhere
Join in the dance You’ll dance along with’em
Feeling it steal your soul
-We’ll stomp our paws!
-Flap our wings!
Maybe do one or two crazy things -Kan Khan!
-Yeah that’s it!
-Uh ha, uh ha! awooo
hip hip hip (…) Check out those chat-chat-chattering monkeys
Swinging through the banyan trees
Two By two (two by two)
To the jungle rythm Sounds like a wolf pack
Way in the distance
Singing pretty harmonies
Woo-woo-woo (woo-woo-woo)
To the jungle rythm -Yeah! That’s it! Now you can hightail it out of the jungle
But it never leaves your heart
First you feel that beat start
bubbling under
Then you hear the tam-tams
Loud as thunder (it’s moving me!) Sounds a lot like being free
When I feel (When I feel)
(When I feel) (When I feel)
Feel the jungle rythmmmm (x5) [Madagascar 2 – Jungle Rhythm Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Madagascar 2: Escape 2 Africa Animation (2008)
Name "Madagascar 2: Escape 2 Africa" Animation (2008)

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Madagascar 2 - Jungle Rhythm Soundtrack Lyrics

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