
Parker House And Theory - Doctor Soundtrack Lyrics

Parker House And Theory – Doctor Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Ringer: Season 1” TV (2011) ]  you let me go but you want me to stop on a dime
you tell me to fly but never tell me how high
paint it on a wall that i gave you something to talk about
suspicions arise from what i surmise to be the lies that you feed me when you need me
i should walk away
but i dont know
how to get out of this cage there’ll be no compromise
i see how you avoid my eyes
it wasnt something that you said
it smells like someone’s been in my bed.
there’ll be no compromise
i see how you avoid my eyes
it wasnt something that you said
it smells like someone’s been in my bed. you owe me so much more than this
you owe me so much more shrug it off fast and let go the past
in the least release the thought of it all; the rise and the fall that loving me has.
i’m still here though my mind is adrift
you’ll see that this rift, this meaningless tiff that’s come between us
wont defeat us and beat us
unless we let it set in stone that which we both know to be phony.
you’ve made a mess out of me; my mentality less than appropriately fixed on the day to day list of wherefore and what not and much more transfixed on “why?” there’ll be no compromise
i see how you avoid my eyes
it wasnt something that you said
it smells like someone’s been in my bed.
there’ll be no compromise
i see how you avoid my eyes
it wasnt something that you said
it smells like someone’s been in my bed. you owe me so much more than this
you owe me so much more i cant leave you now i can never believe you, perceive you as true
you dont know what i’ve been through in my mind
could you deceive me one more time head spinning round, my words can’t be found.
is this love that i miss or did it ever exist?
drag me behind you and hope i dont find you are not what i thought you to be there’ll be no compromise
i see how you avoid my eyes
it wasnt something that you said
it smells like someone’s been in my bed.
there’ll be no compromise
i see how you avoid my eyes
it wasnt something that you said
smells like someone’s been in my
smells like someone’s been in my
it smells like someone’s been in my bed. [Parker House And Theory – Doctor Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Ringer: Season 1 TV (2011)
Name "Ringer: Season 1" TV (2011)

Picture/Poster Cover

Parker House And Theory - Doctor Soundtrack Lyrics

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