
Psychic TV - White Nights Soundtrack Lyrics

Psychic TV – White Nights Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “The Ballad Of Genesis & Lady Jaye” Movie (2012) ]  you know how much i love you
i give you all my life
no one may take my life from me
i lay my life down, the point is on this plane
take the potion like we used to take an ocean breeze no, there’s no plane, there’s no plane
we can’t catch the plane– in time i simply put my lot with you
and the plane will come out of the air
there’s no way you can fly
i will take your call, i’m part of you santa claus is checking his list, going over it twice
seeing who is naughty and who is nice the sins of man, the sins of man
we win, we win when we go down
born out of season, in due time we give them our dead children
our children, our children are sublime it’s so simple, no convulsions
it’s so simple, you don’t know what you’ve done santa claus is checking his list, going over it twice
seeing who is naughty and who is nice the night brings the moon, it’s much more difficult
that’s nothing, like stepping on another plane, you have to step across
this world, this world, it’s not our home
stepping over to another plane
the next plane free at last santa claus is checking his list, going over it twice
seeing who is naughty and who is nice [Psychic TV – White Nights Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category The Ballad Of Genesis & Lady Jaye Movie (2012)
Name "The Ballad Of Genesis & Lady Jaye" Movie (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

Psychic TV - White Nights Soundtrack Lyrics

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