
Sam Palladio, Clare Bowen - Fade Into You Soundtrack Lyrics (Nashville Season 1, Vol.2)

Sam Palladio, Clare Bowen – Fade Into You Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Nashville Season 1, Vol.2” TV (2013) ] If you were the ocean I was the sun
If the day made me heavy and gravity won
If I was the red and you were the blue
I could just fade into you If you were the window if I was the rain
I’d pour myself out and wash off the pain
I’d fall like the tears so you’re light could shine through
Then I’d just fade into you In your heart in your head
In your arms in your bed
Under your skin
Till there’s no way to know
Where you end and where I begin I was a shadow and you were a street
A cobblestone midnight is where we first meet
Till the light’s flickered out we’d dance with the moon
Then I just fade into you In your heart in your head
In your arms in your bed
Under your skin
Till there’s no way to know
Where you end and where I begin I want to melt i want to soak through
I only want to move when you move
I want to breathe when you breathe
then I want to fade into you I was the ashes, you were the ground
Under your willow they lay me down
There’ll be no trace that one was once two
After I fade into you Then I just fade into you
Then I just fade into you
Then I just fade into you
Then I just fade into you [Sam Palladio, Clare Bowen – Fade Into You Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Nashville Season 1, Vol.2 TV (2013)
Name "Nashville Season 1, Vol.2" TV (2013)

Picture/Poster Cover

Sam Palladio, Clare Bowen - Fade Into You Soundtrack Lyrics (Nashville Season 1, Vol.2)

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