
Skinny Puppy - ugLi Soundtrack Lyrics

Skinny Puppy – ugLi Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Saw V” Movie (2008) ]  Jesus wants to be ugli
Jesus wants to be ugli
Jesus wants to be ugli
Jesus wants to be ugli Ugli, Ugli, Ugli Some of the lies darken eyes
Way beyond our chemicals
Something wrong nothing learned
I need to feed a whole other hole
fantasize, clear the eyes
How they can all fit inside
Sacrifice sanctifies all the ugly chemical All hail to the king
the rest of your life, life, life…
All hail to the king
The edge of your world Jesus wants to be ugli
Jesus wants to be ugli
Jesus wants to be ugli
Jesus wants to be ugli Ugli, Ugli, Ugli Bury I critisize
Count to nine a human soul
Ritual indispose
Stoke a mana listen to gods
Cannibalize terrorize
Take the ugli chemical Jesus wants to be ugli
Jesus wants to be ugli
Jesus wants to be ugli
Jesus wants to be ugli Ugli, Ugli, Ugli [Skinny Puppy – ugLi Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Saw V Movie (2008)
Name "Saw V" Movie (2008)

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Skinny Puppy - ugLi Soundtrack Lyrics

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