
Scissor Sisters - Ooh Soundtrack Lyrics

Scissor Sisters – Ooh Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Seeking a Friend for the End of the World” Movie (2012) ] Oooh
Some people say such awful things
I don’t understand why they’re so hateful
We don’t need those diamond rings
Even though they look tasteful
Chichi parties
So important
Sink a fortune
High-class apartment
One or two ooh-oohs
Make you feel so good
It’s not a threat to nobody
In fact the people should Oooh
Don’t you give me them blues
I got magic in my dancing shoes
Let me hear you say ooooh When you talk sweet things in my ear
I get so hot inside I’m burning my clothes
Measure distances with tears
The tracks’ll run for miles when I feel those
Mixed emotions
In your heart
Guilty feelings
You fall apart
One or two ooooh’s
Nothing left to lose
I’m not a threat to nobody
Don’t try and give me them blues Oooh
Don’t you give me them blues
I got magic in my dancing shoes
Let me hear you say ooooh Say honey baby don’t you know
Ain’t got any money left to blow
Can’t buy you no snow cone
Even when it’s hot outside Wanna make love show you what I can do
Pocket that rug and ride the groove
Just lemme go dance and give me no blues tonight Oooh
Don’t you give me them blues
I got magic in my dancing shoes
Let me hear you say ooooh [Scissor Sisters – Ooh Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Seeking a Friend for the End of the World Movie (2012)
Name "Seeking a Friend for the End of the World" Movie (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

Scissor Sisters - Ooh Soundtrack Lyrics

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