
Kenny McCormick & Mr. Hankey - The Most Offensive Song Ever Soundtrack Lyrics

Kenny McCormick & Mr. Hankey – The Most Offensive Song Ever Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “South Park: Chef Aid, Mr. Hankey’s Christmas Classics” TV (1998) ]  Mr. Hankey: Howdy Ho!
The Virgin Mary was sleeping when Angel Gabriel appeared,
He said, “You are to be the virgin mother”
And Mary thought that was weird. Kenny: Mary said “I’m not a virgin, I blew a guy last year” Mr. Hankey: But then Gabriel said to Mary,
“My child, have no fear.” Kenny: ‘Cause you can suck all the dick you want… Together: And still be a virgin, Mary! Kenny: You can suck all the dick you want… Mr. Hankey: And still not be considered flawed. Kenny: Although you went to town, and suck some semen down, Together: You’re still a virgin in the eyes of God. Mr. Hankey: There was no room at the inn
When Mary and Joseph did arrive
They were so very tired you see Kenny: and mary had to offer a bribe, Mr. Hankey: Since she had no money Kenny: How would she pay for a place to sleep? Mr. Hankey: Gabriel appeared to Mary and told her not to weep Kenny: ‘Cause, you can suck all the dick you want…
And still be a virgin, Mary! Kenny: You can suck all the dick you want… Mr. Hankey: And still be the mother of Christ. Together: If there’s no room at the inn
than it’s not considered a sin Kenny: To suck some dick to get a room for the night! [Laughs] Mr. Hankey: That’s right!
And three wise men did appear
Bearing gifts of myrrh and such
They said that they had followed a star
And missed a woman’s touch Kenny: Mary thought she might pleasure them, but could not take them to bed, Mr. Hankey: But again Gabriel appeared to her and this is what he said Kenny: You can suck all the dick you want… Together: And still be a virgin, Mary! Kenny: You can suck all the dick you want… Mr. Hankey: Every one in the nation. Kenny: Fellatio ain’t no sin
She gonna blow those three wise men, Mr. Hankey: And you’ll still be a virgin Kenny: ‘Cause there was no penetration Kenny: You can suck all the dick you want… Together: And still be a virgin, Mary! Kenny: That donkey, and the ox and the lamb… Mr. Hankey: And even the little drummer boy.
Folks will remember your name quick. Kenny: They’ll say “Damn! that bitch could suck a good dick!” Together: ‘Cause sucking dick bring peace on Earth and joy! Kenny: ‘Cause sucking dick… Mr. Hankey: ..bring peace on Earth and joy! Kenny: Mary,Mary suck that dick! [Laughter] [Kenny McCormick & Mr. Hankey – The Most Offensive Song Ever Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category South Park: Chef Aid, Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics TV (1998)
Name "South Park: Chef Aid, Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics" TV (1998)

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Kenny McCormick & Mr. Hankey - The Most Offensive Song Ever Soundtrack Lyrics

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