
Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly - Boats 'N Hoes Soundtrack Lyrics

Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly – Boats ‘N Hoes Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Step Brothers” Movie (2008) ]  Intro:
Boats ‘n’ Hoes, I gotta have me more boats ‘n’ hoes. Chorus:
(Boats ‘n’ Hoes, Boats ‘n’ Hoes, I gotta have me more boats ‘n’ hoes.) x2 Huff:
The Nina, OH, the Pinta, OH, the santa maria, OH, I’ll do you in the bottom while your drinking Sangria. Doback:
Nachos, lemon heads, my dad’s boat, you
wont go down ’cause my dick can float! Huff:
We sail ’round the world and go port to port, everytime I cum I produce a quart. Doback:
Put on your life vest, let’s drop anchor, theres a nice lady whore, I’d like to swank her. Chorus:
(Boats ‘n’ Hoes, Boats ‘n’ Hoes, I gotta have me more boats ‘n’ hoes.) x2 Huff:
Deadliest catch, without the crabs, we’re almost out of gas, call the Arabs! Doback:
I’m a pussy Pirate my name is Jack Sparrow, take off my pants so you can see my flesh arrow. Huff:
Make sure to wax, use your mom’s Nair you’ll be amazed when I cum in your hair! Doback:
Pull up the anchor cause we’re leaving dry land, get below deck with a dick in your hand! Chorus:
(Boats ‘n’ Hoes, Boats ‘n’ Hoes, I gotta have me more boats ‘n’ hoes.) x2 [Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly – Boats ‘N Hoes Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Step Brothers Movie (2008)
Name "Step Brothers" Movie (2008)

Picture/Poster Cover

Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly - Boats 'N Hoes Soundtrack Lyrics

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