
Taken 2 Soundtrack List

Taken 2 Movie (2012) Soundtrack List – Tracklist – OST – Listen to Original Theme Music from the Motion Picture, film score list, all songs list – playlist, who sings them, including end credits. Below you can view the complete Taken 2 soundtrack (score) list: Music composed by Nathaniel Mechaly:
1. Taken 2
2. The Burial
3. Too Close – Alex Clare
4. Kim and Jamie’s Car
5. Let Me – Phoebe Killdeer and the Short Straws
6. Back to Paris
7. Bryan Waiting for Leonore
8. Torture
9. Bagasaz – Kasbah Rockers Feat. Ozgür Sakar
10. Kim and Bryan on the Bosphorus
11. Murad Arrives
12. Pursuit in the Souk
13. Bryan and Leonore Are Taken
14. A Real Hero – College & Electric Youth
15. In the Van
16. Murad Faces Bryan
17. Bryan Escapes
18. Tick of the Clock – Chromatics
19. Kim Hides at the Hotel
20. Bosumus – Sabahat Akkiraz
21. Searching for Leonore
22. Fight in the Mammam
23. Death of Murad
24. Handyman – Henrik Wikstrom/Steve Martin Additional film music – songs that are not included in the official soundtrack list,
but are playing in the movie.
1. Dream Come True – Alan Ett
2. Canim Dediklerim – Ali Tekinture
3. Violonizm – Yann Macé / Luc Leroy
4. Optum Ewa – Yann Macé / Luc Leroy
5. Dudaklarinda Arzu – Belkıs Özener
6. Dertler Benim Olsun – Orhan Gencebay
7. Belly Dancer – Daghan Baydur / Ezra Baydur / Sarah Baydur
8. Come Out To L.a – Hart / Dudas Taken 2 soundtrack information: Genre: Action, Crime, Drama
Release Date: 5 October 2012 (USA) Director: Olivier Megaton
Writers: Luc Besson (screenplay), Robert Mark Kamen (screenplay)
Stars: Liam Neeson, Famke Janssen and Maggie Grace

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Below we tried to write all the songs in the soundtrack, even those that are not included in the official soundtrack,
with scene description and exact time (hour:minute:second - the second is approximate) when a song was playing in the movie.

In this way you will be able to identify the music that was playing at your favorite scene :)

TAKEN 2 (2012) HOUR MIN SEC: 00 02 15 - Unknown Song movie starts with a man driving a truck


00 07 24 - LET ME BE BY PHOEBE KILDEER AND THE SHORT SPRAWS Shows Bryan's daughter Kim, being intimae with her boyfriend Jamie

00 09 18 - KIM AND JAMIE'S CAR BY NATHANIEL MECHALY Kim and Bryan have a discussion about Jamie during her driving lesson

00 16 57 - Unknown Song Los Angeles night lighting view

00 21 38 - Unknown Song Bryan and Kim are in a club and she's dancing while her father's watching her

00 23 38 - Unknown Song Bryan ask Kim if she's in love while they’re on a boat

00 28 22 -Unknown Song Bryan realizes that they are followed while driving the car with Lenn

00 32 38 - Unknown Song Bryan tries to escape his attackers

00 35 42 - BRYAN AND LEONORE ARE TAKEN BY NATHANIEL MECHALY the attackers beat Bryan after they caught him and Lenn

00 37 54 - KIM HIDES AT THE HOTEL BY NATHANIEL MECHALY Kim runs upstairs to the hotel room so she can hide

00 45 08 - Unknown Song it's when Kim tries to help Brian by using a map

00 48 15 - Unknown Song Kim gets into employers` locker room and "barrows" some of their clothes

00 52 05 - TORTURE BY NATHANIEL MECHALY when the attacker hurt Lenn in front of Bryan

00 57 38 - BRYAN ESCAPES BY NATHANIEL MECHALY Kim throws Bryan a gun and then she runs to escape

01 02 05 - Unknown Song Bryan gets out of the cab and heads towards the building where Lenn is being held captive

01 05 29 - Unknown Song Kim drives the taxi like crazy and trying to escape the attackers

01 12 13 - SEARCHING FOR LEONOR BY NATHANIEL MECHALY trying to remember the way back to where Lenn is hidden

01 13 45 - Unknown Song the sound of a boat reminds him that he is on track

01 26 20 - DEATH OF MURAD BY NATHANIEL MECHALY Bryan finds the head of the attackers, and tells him that he will live if he leaves him

alone 01 32 01 - I'M JUST TO CLOSE TO LOVE YOU BY TOO CLOSE at credits

01 36 10 - CALL ME BY HOT NOIZES at credits

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Taken 2 Soundtrack List