
The Avett Brothers - Live and Die Soundtrack Lyrics

The Avett Brothers – Live and Die Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “This Is 40” Movie (2012) ] All it’ll take is just one moment,
And you can say goodbye to how we had it planned.
Fear like a habit, run like a rabbit out and away.
Through the screen door to the unknown. And I wanna love you and more,
I wanna find you and more,
Where do you reside when ya hide?
How can I find ya?
‘Cause I wanna send you and more,
I wanna tempt you and more,
Can you tell that I am alive?
Let me prove it. You and where the same
Live and die we’re the same
Hear my voice, know my name
You and I where the same. Left like a pharaohs,
Sing like a sparrow anyway.
Even if there is no land or love in sight.
We bloom like roses,
Lead like Moses, out and away.
Through the bitter crowd to the day light. And I wanna love you and more,
I wanna find you and more.
Can you tell that I am alive?
Let me prove it to ya. You and I where the same
Live and die we’re the same.
You rejoice, I complain,
You and I where the same.
Lie and die we’re the same.
Hear my voice, know my name
You and I where the same And I wanna love you and more,
I wanna find you and more.
Where do you reside when ya hide?
How can I find ya?
‘Cause I wanna send you and more,
I wanna tempt you and more.
Can you tell that I am alive?
Let me prove it. You and I where the same
Live and die we’re the same.
You rejoice, I complain,
You and I where the same.
Lie and die we’re the same.
Hear my voice, know my name
You and I You and I [The Avett Brothers – Live and Die Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category This Is 40 Movie (2012)
Name "This Is 40" Movie (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

The Avett Brothers - Live and Die Soundtrack Lyrics

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