
The Barden Bellas - Bellas Regionals Soundtrack Lyrics

The Barden Bellas – Bellas Regionals Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Pitch Perfect” Movie (2012) ] Whoaoa yeah
I gotta new life,
You would hardly recognize me,
I’m so glad,
How could a person like me care for you,
Why do I bother when you’re not the one for me,
Is enough enough, I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes,
and I am happy now living without you,
I’ve left you all alone
I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes
I saw the sign
(I saw the sign I saw the sign)
I saw the sign
(I saw the sign I saw the sign)
I saw the sign Close your eyes,
Give me your hand darlin,
Do you feel my heart beating,
Do you understand,
Do you feel the same,
Am I only dreamin,
Or is this burning an eternal flame, Say my name,
Sunshines through the rain,
A whole life so lonely,
Then you come and ease the pain,
I don’t want to lose this feeling,
Is this burning an eternal flame, Turn it around,
Turn it around,
Turn it turn it, X4
Turn it around Turn the beat around love to hear percussion
(Turn the beat around… love to hear percussion)
Turn it upside down love to hear percussion
(Turn it upside down… love to hear percussion)
Turn the beat around love to hear percussion
(Turn the beat around you gotta turn it around)
Turn it upside down love to hear it
((Turn the beat around you gotta turn it around)
Love to hear it love to hear percussion Turn it around,
Turn it around,
Turn it turn it, X4
Turn it around [The Barden Bellas – Bellas Regionals Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Pitch Perfect Movie (2012)
Name "Pitch Perfect" Movie (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

The Barden Bellas - Bellas Regionals Soundtrack Lyrics

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