
The Human League - Empire State Human Soundtrack Lyrics

The Human League – Empire State Human Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Lollipop Chainsaw” Game (2012) ] Since I was very young I realized
I never wanted to be human size
So I avoid the crowds and traffic jams
They just remind me of how small I am
Because of this longing in my heart
I’m going to start the growing art
I’m going to grow now and never stop
Think like a mountain, grow to the top Tall, tall, tall
I want to be tall, tall, tall
As big as a wall, wall, wall
As big as a wall, wall, wall
And if I’m not tall, tall, tall
Then I will grow, grow, grow
Because I’m not tall
Tall, tall, tall, tall
Tall, tall, tall
Tall, tall, tall
I want to be tall, tall, tall
As big as a wall, wall, wall
As big as a wall, wall, wall
And if I’m not tall, tall, tall
Then I will grow, grow, grow
Because I’m not tall
Tall, tall, tall, tall
Tall, tall, tall With concentration
My size increased
And now I’m fourteen stories high
(At least)
Empire State human
Just a bored kid
I’ll go to Egypt to be
The pyramids Tall, tall, tall
(Brick by brick)
I want to be tall, tall, tall
(Stone by stone)
As big as a wall, wall, wall
(Growing ’til he’s)
As big as a wall, wall, wall
(Fully grown)
And if I’m not tall, tall, tall
(Brick by brick)
Then I will grow, grow, grow
(Stone by stone)
Because I’m not tall
(Growing ’til he’s)
Tall, tall, tall, tall
(Fully grown)
Tall, tall, tall
Tall, tall, tall
(Fetch more water)
I want to be tall, tall, tall
(Fetch more sand)
As big as a wall, wall, wall
(Biggest person)
As big as a wall, wall, wall
(In the land)
And if I’m not tall, tall, tall
(Fetch more water)
Then I will grow, grow, grow
(Fetch more sand)
Because I’m not tall
(Biggest person)
Tall, tall, tall, tall
(In the land)
Tall, tall, tall (Brick by brick
Stone by stone
Growing ’til he’s
Fully grown
Brick by brick
Stone by stone
Growing ’til he’s
Fully grown) Tall, tall, tall
(Fetch more water)
I want to be tall, tall, tall
(Fetch more sand)
As big as a wall, wall, wall
(Biggest person)
As big as a wall, wall, wall
(In the land)
And if I’m not tall, tall, tall
(Fetch more water)
Then I will grow, grow, grow
(Fetch more sand)
Because I’m not tall
(Biggest person)
Tall, tall, tall, tall
(In the land)
Tall, tall, tall
Tall, tall, tall
(Brick by brick)
I want to be tall, tall, tall
(Stone by stone)
As big as a wall, wall, wall
(Growing ’til he’s)
As big as a wall, wall, wall
(Fully grown)
And if I’m not tall, tall, tall
(Brick by brick)
Then I will grow, grow, grow
(Stone by stone)
Because I’m not tall
(Growing ’til he’s)
Tall, tall, tall, tall
(Fully grown)
Tall, tall, tall (Fetch more water
Fetch more sand
Biggest person
In the land
Fetch more water
Fetch more sand
Biggest person
In the land). [The Human League – Empire State Human Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Lollipop Chainsaw Game (2012)
Name "Lollipop Chainsaw" Game (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

The Human League - Empire State Human Soundtrack Lyrics

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