
The Mynabirds - Numbers Don't Lie Soundtrack Lyrics

The Mynabirds – Numbers Don’t Lie Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Warm Bodies” Movie (2013) ] It was always what you said
It would be, and nothing more
Through the smoke screens and the pipe dreams
And the blood on the floor You say it’s black, well it’s bound to be black.
You made up your mind, and you see with that. Baby, if you wanna be right
I will let you be right,
I will let you be right.
You know that the numbers don’t lie,
Oh no, the numbers don’t lie;
Two wrongs will not make it right. You said, “One and one and one and one is three.”
But I know my lines and my graphs and my math-
Honey, that ain’t me. If you want it, you can have it-
All the lines on the cellar floor.
Don’t mean nothing, just a bad dream-
Even if you think it’s more. You say it’s black, well it’s bound to be black.
You made up your mind, and you see with that. Baby, if you wanna be right
I will let you be right,
I will let you be right.
You know that the numbers don’t lie,
Oh no, the numbers don’t lie;
Two wrongs will not make it right. [The Mynabirds – Numbers Don’t Lie Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Warm Bodies Movie (2013)
Name "Warm Bodies" Movie (2013)

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The Mynabirds - Numbers Don't Lie Soundtrack Lyrics

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