
The Queen of Versailles Soundtrack List

The Queen of Versailles Documentary (2012) Soundtrack List – Tracklist – OST – Original Theme Music from the Motion Picture, film score list, all songs list – playlist, who sings them, including end credits. The Queen of Versailles Soundtrack Information: Original Release Date: July 3, 2012
Label: Lakeshore Records
Copyright: 2012 Lakeshore Records
Total Length: 46:19 Below you can view The Queen of Versailles Soundtrack complete soundtrack list: Music by Jeff Beal:
1. Living the Dream (Main Titles)
2. Jackie’s Story
3. Ditching IBM
4. Starter Castle, Building Versailles
5. The Grand Ballroom
6. Jackie’s Dogs
7. Time Share King
8. Mr. David
9. Miss America Gala
10. The Tilt-a-Whirl
11. Mr. & Mrs. Las Vegas
12. The Crash
13. Rough Out There
14. First Marriage, Tina
15. Cheap Money
16. Pet’s Dying
17. Humbled
18. Cliff
19. What Makes a Home
20. Hiding the Truth
21. Compulsive Shopper
22. Christmas Is Coming
23. Stress
24. Jackie’s Botox
25. David in His Den
26. Waltz for Versailles (End Credits) Jeff Beal is the man in charge of scoring the songs for “The Queen of Versailles”.
The album is set for release on July 3, 2012 and it will be available for download or on CD. The Queen of Versailles Documentary Information: Genre: Documentary
Release date: 20 July 2012 (USA) Plot:
A documentary that follows a billionaire couple as they begin construction on a mansion inspired by Versailles. During the next two years, their empire, fueled by the real estate bubble and cheap money, falters due to the economic crisis. Director: Lauren Greenfield
Stars: Jackie Siegel and David Siegel
Below you can listen to Soundtrack (full samples of the songs, as they appear in the movie):

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The Queen of Versailles Soundtrack List