
The Muppets Cast - Life's A Happy Song Finale Soundtrack Lyrics

The Muppets Cast – Life’s A Happy Song Finale Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “The Muppets” Movie (2011) ]  kermit: everything is great
piggy: everything is grand
walter: we got the whole wide world in the palm of our hand
gary: everything is perfect
mary: its falling into place
uncle deadly: i cant seem to wipe this smile off my face
penguins: lifes a happy song (in penguin voice)
electric mayhem: when theres someone by your side to sing along gary: everything is great we’ll live happily ever after
scooter: and we’ll keep giving the world the 3rd greatest gift
fozzie: laughter
marvin suggs: ze movies almost over. its time to sing some more
tex: will you please stop singing you’ve already sung this song
lifes a happy song when theres someone by your side to sing along
statler: were happier when you dont sing girls: we’ve got everything that we need we can be whatever we want to be
guys: nothing we cant do
kermit: the skies are blue with its me and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and well all of you la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la we’ve got everything that we need
we can be whatever we want to be
nothing we cant do
the skies are blue with its me and you and you and you
life’s a happy song
bobo: when theres someone by your side to sing
lifes a happy song
beaker: me me me me me me me me me me
lifes a happy song when there’s someone someone someone by your side to sing along [The Muppets Cast – Life’s A Happy Song Finale Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category The Muppets Movie (2011)
Name "The Muppets" Movie (2011)

Picture/Poster Cover

The Muppets Cast - Life's A Happy Song Finale Soundtrack Lyrics

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