
Jonsi - Go Do Soundtrack Lyrics

Jonsi – Go Do Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “We Bought a Zoo” Movie (2011) ]  Go sing, too loud
Make your voice break- Sing it out
Go scream, do shout
Make an earthquake… You wish fire would die and turn colder
You wish, your young, could see you grow older
We should always know that we can do anything Go drum, too proud
Make your hands ache – Play it out
Go march through a crowd
Make your day break… You wish silence released noise in tremors
You wish, I know it, surrender to summers
We should always know that we can do everything Go do, you’ll know how to
Just let yourself, fall into landslide Go do, you’ll know how to
Just let yourself, give into low tide Go do! Tie strings to clouds
Make your own lake – Let it flow
Throw seeds to sprout
Make your own break – Let them grow Let them grow (Endless summers)
Let them grow (Endless summers) (Go do endless summers) You will survive, will never stop wonders
You and sunrise will never fall under You will survive, will never stop wonders
You and sunrise will never fall under
We should always know that we can do everything Go do! [Jonsi – Go Do Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category We Bought a Zoo Movie (2011)
Name "We Bought a Zoo" Movie (2011)

Picture/Poster Cover

Jonsi - Go Do Soundtrack Lyrics

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