
Sigur Ros - Hoppipolla Soundtrack Lyrics

Sigur Ros – Hoppipolla Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “We Bought a Zoo” Movie (2011) ]  Brosandi
Hendumst i’ hringi
Ho”ldumst i’ hendur
Allur heimurinn o’sky’r
Nema ?u’ stendur Rennblautur
Allur rennvotur
Engin gu’mmi’sti’gve’l
Hlaupandi inn i’ okkur
Vill springa u’t u’r skel Vindurinn
Og u’tilykt af ha’rinu ?i’nu
Eg lamdi eins fast og e’g get
Me? nefinu mi’nu Hoppi’polla
I engum sti’gve’lum
Allur rennvotur (rennblautur)
I engum sti’gve’lum Og e’g f? blo’?nasir
En e’g stend alltaf upp
(Hopelandic) Og e’g f? blo’?nasir
Og e’g stend alltaf upp
(Hopelandic) Jumpin’ puddles English: Smiling
Spinning ’round and ’round
Holding hands
The whole world a blur
But you are standing Soaked
Completely drenched
No rubber boots
Running in us
Want to erupt from a shell Wind in
Aand outdoor smell of your hair
I hit as fast as I could
With my nose Hopping into puddles
Completely drenched
With no boots on And I get nosebleed
But I always get up
(Hopelandic) And I get nosebleed
But I always get up [Sigur Ros – Hoppipolla Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category We Bought a Zoo Movie (2011)
Name "We Bought a Zoo" Movie (2011)

Picture/Poster Cover

Sigur Ros - Hoppipolla Soundtrack Lyrics

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