
A Fine Frenzy - What I Wouldn't Do Soundtrack Lyrics

A Fine Frenzy – What I Wouldn’t Do Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “The Lucky One” Movie (2012) ]  If we were children I would bake you a mud pie
Warm and brown beneath the sun
Never learned to climb a tree but I would try
Just to show you what I’d done Oh what I wouldn’t do
If I had you, babe, I had you
Oh what I wouldn’t do
If I had you, babe If I were old, my dearest, you would be older
But I would crawl upon your lap
Wrap a blanket round our frail little shoulders
And I’d die happily like that Oh what I wouldn’t do
If I had you, babe, I had you
Oh what I wouldn’t do
If I had you, babe, if I had you So lace your hands round the small of my back and I will kiss you like a king
I will be your bride, I’ll keep you warm at night
I will sing, I will sing It was now and we were both in the same place
Didn’t know how to say the words
With my heart ticking like a bomb in a birdcage
I left before someone got hurt ‘Cause it was what I wouldn’t do
If I had you, babe, I had you
It was what I wouldn’t do
When I had you, babe, when I had you [A Fine Frenzy – What I Wouldn’t Do Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category The Lucky One Movie (2012)
Name "The Lucky One" Movie (2012)

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A Fine Frenzy - What I Wouldn't Do Soundtrack Lyrics

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