
Abigail Breslin - Hurricane Soundtrack Lyrics

Abigail Breslin – Hurricane Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Janie Jones” Movie (2011) ]  Carry me away
In the eye of a hurricane
City sleeps below, and no one knows where I go
When I’m carried away
In the eye of a hurricane
I have no fear, there’s a certain kind of peace here. Let me sleep it’s where I dream
And it all makes sense to me
What people run for cover;
But I stand out and shout, into the sky to Chorus:
Carry me away
In the eye of a hurricane
City sleeps below, and no one knows where I go
When I’m carried away
In the eye of a hurricane
I have no fear, there’s a certain kind of peace here. You said you’d teach me
How to disappear
Bells ring out and you tried, couldn’t find me here
So you kept on searching
Showing the one who’s lost
And I’m flying over, houses and farms and
I’m never coming down
Ooh I’m never coming down Chorus:
Carry me away
In the eye of a hurricane
City sleeps below, and no one knows where I go
When I’m carried away
In the eye of a hurricane
I have no fear, there’s a certain kind of peace here (would you carry me away)
I have no fear (would you carry me away x 2) [Abigail Breslin – Hurricane Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Janie Jones Movie (2011)
Name "Janie Jones" Movie (2011)

Picture/Poster Cover

Abigail Breslin - Hurricane Soundtrack Lyrics

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