
Lucy Hale - Bless Myself Soundtrack Lyrics

Lucy Hale – Bless Myself Soundtrack Lyrics  There’s a little secret
I would like to tell you
There’s a book of lies
I know they’ll try to sell you
And they’ll try, and they’ll try
To convince you to buy you need ’em
So the next time you’re down
Look inside not around. I can bless myself
There’s no need for someone’s help
There’s no one to blame
There’s no one to save you but yourself
I can justify all the mistakes in my life
It’s taught me to be, it’s givin’ me me
And I’ll survive
‘Cause I have blessed myself. I have searched the world to find
There’s nothing better
Then when me, myself and I
Can come together
And I know for a fact
There’s a spirit I lack or defend
Yeah I’ve been through it all
Just to find in the end I can bless myself
There’s no need for someone’s help
There’s no one to blame
There’s no one to save you but yourself
I can justify all the mistakes in my life
It’s taught me to be, it’s givin’ me me
And I’ll survive
‘Cause I have blessed myself. Do you ever wonder
How anything can make you cry
Have yourself discover
That the pain you feel
Is the pain that you deny in your life
So open up your eyes You can bless yourself
There’s no need for someone else
There’s no one to blame
There’s no one to save you but yourself
I can bless myself
There’s no need for someone’s help
There’s no one to blame
There’s no one to save you but yourself
I can justify all the mistakes in my life
It’s taught me to be, it’s givin’ me me
And I’ll survive
‘Cause I have blessed myself.
I will survive
‘Cause I have blessed myself. [Lucy Hale – Bless Myself Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category A Cinderella Story: Once Upon A Song TV (2011)
Name "A Cinderella Story: Once Upon A Song" TV (2011)

Picture/Poster Cover

Lucy Hale - Bless Myself Soundtrack Lyrics

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