
Bad Veins - Gold And Warm Soundtrack Lyrics

Bad Veins – Gold And Warm Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Chronicle” Movie (2012) ]  I’ll always hold dear,
the time that I’ve spent here.
the streets are all caved in,
and it’s so hard to steer.
so I run,
and I’m running as fast as I can.
when the time is right. I want to hear your heart beating loud,
and I want to see you stand up proud.
as we go,
where sunlight is gold. If the ending is near,
and we’re not going far,
they put up a cement wall,
and tie a rope to a star,
so I climb.
and I’m climbing as fast as I can,
’cause I love you, I love you! I want to hear your heart beating loud,
and I want to see you stand up proud,
as we go,
where sunlight is gold and warm,
where sunlight is gold and warm,
where sunlight is gold and warm. I want to hear your heart beating loud,
and I want to see you stand up proud,
as we go where sunlight is gold… [Bad Veins – Gold And Warm Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Chronicle Movie (2012)
Name "Chronicle" Movie (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

Bad Veins - Gold And Warm Soundtrack Lyrics

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