
Cherri Bomb - Shake the Ground Soundtrack Lyrics

Cherri Bomb – Shake the Ground Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “The Avengers” Movie (2012) ]  You serve it up like i want some, but i don’t want your opinion. you load it up like a shot gun, pull the trigger don’t you love it when you take one out. take one out. i wont do what im told i will break it down, take ya down, shake the ground your dark sun leaves me cold i will burn it out, weigh you down, shake the ground. you got the whole world choking, from all the bridges that your burnin’, you got the leader of an army, im not the enemy step back down, step back down. i wont do what im told i will break it down, take ya down, shake the ground your dark sun leaves me cold i will burn it out, weigh you down, shake the ground. So die your world. your karma’s killing me, i hope you know you’ll never get to me, your covers blown there’s no more breaking me, this is the end of control i wont do what im told i will break it down shake you down shake the ground your dark sun leaves me cold i will burn it out, weigh you down, shake the ground. [Cherri Bomb – Shake the Ground Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category The Avengers Movie (2012)
Name "The Avengers" Movie (2012)

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Cherri Bomb - Shake the Ground Soundtrack Lyrics

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