
Chris Sligh - One Soundtrack Lyrics

Chris Sligh – One Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “October Baby” Movie (2012) ]  Holding onto our beliefs
Like a child holds to its father
It’s like we’re trying so hard to breathe
With our heads underneath the water Keep trying to find the balance
Of our love and our convictions
‘Cause we know that life in You
Moves far beyond religion We know, we know, we know, we know
That nothing else even matters but love Whoa, we keep trying to find a way
Whoa, to come together
Whoa, Lord, take these fears away
Whoa And make us one, one, one, whoa
Lord, make us one, one, one, Lord, make us one We are the face of Christ
In a world of shadows
Is it God’s love we’re fighting for
Or our denomination’s ego? We got to let go of pride
Embrace the idea of difference
Make unity our calling
And move within forgiveness We know, we know, we know, we know
That nothing else even matters but love Whoa, we keep trying to find a way
Whoa, to come together
Whoa, Lord, take these fears away
Whoa And make us one, one, one, whoa
Lord, make us one, one, one, Lord, make us one Imagine what could be, imagine what could change
If love was all that really mattered
Would the light of Christ finally shine through
Me and you? Holding onto our beliefs
Like a child holds to its father
It’s like we’re trying so hard to breathe
With our heads underneath the water Whoa, we keep trying to find a way
Whoa, to come together
Whoa, Lord, take these fears away
Whoa, oh yeah And make us one, one, one, whoa
Lord, make us one, one, one, Lord, make us one, oh
Make us one, one, one, whoa
Lord, make us one, one, one, Lord, make us one, oh Make us one, one, one, whoa
Make us one, one, one, Lord, make us one, oh
Make us one, one, one, whoa
Make us one, one, one, Lord, make us one [Chris Sligh – One Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category October Baby Movie (2012)
Name "October Baby" Movie (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

Chris Sligh - One Soundtrack Lyrics

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