
Class Actress - Careful What You Say Soundtrack Lyrics

Class Actress – Careful What You Say Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Lola Versus” Movie (2012) ] Who’s got your head now what do you need
You just keep repeating the same thing obviously
This place is driving you insane
All the little noises spark in you a murderous rage. Careful what you say oh dear its too late now,
You’ve woken the guards.
Careful what you say oh dear its too late now,
You’ve broken my heart how many times do I have to say it? Maybe it’s my fault for leaving you here
But there’s no gun to your head just a flight of stairs
This place is driving you insane
You just keep repeating that as I back away Careful what you say oh dear its too late now,
You’ve woken the guards.
Careful what you say oh dear its too late now,
You’ve broken my heart Ooo ooo how many times do I have to say it
Ooo ooo how many times do I have to say it who’s calling you out again?
who’s calling you out
Careful what you say Careful what you say it hurts me when you talk that way. [Class Actress – Careful What You Say Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Lola Versus Movie (2012)
Name "Lola Versus" Movie (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

Class Actress - Careful What You Say Soundtrack Lyrics

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