
Danny Collins Soundtrack List

Danny Collins Soundtrack List Movie (2015) – Tracklist – OST List – Listen to Original Score and full soundtrack songs, film score list, the playlist of all of the songs played in the movie, who sings them, including end credits. Danny Collins Soundtrack Details:

Original release date: April 10, 2015 Below you can view the complete Danny Collins Soundtrack list, album tracklist: 1. Working Class Hero – John Lennon
2. Whatever Gets You Through The Night – John Lennon
3. Hold On – John Lennon
4. Beautiful Boy – John Lennon
5. The Rip Tide – Beirut
6. Nobody Told Me – John Lennon
7. #9 Dream – John Lennon
8. Cold Turkey – John Lennon
9. Love – John Lennon
10. Instant Karma – John Lennon
11. Adobe – The Bakelite Casket Company Danny Collins Film Information: Genre: Comedy, Drama, Music
Release date in USA: April 10, 2015 Director: Dan Fogelman
Writers: Dan Fogelman (screenplay)
Stars: Al Pacino, Annette Bening, Jennifer Garner
Watch the trailer for Danny Collins

Trailer songs (full tracks)
John Lennon & Yoko Ono & The Plastic Ono Band - Instant Karma! (We All Shine On) (Official trailer)

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The scene descriptions are also available for each song, in the list, if you click on the icon.
Scene descriptions. The songs are in the order of apperance:

1. Working Class Hero - John Lennon

After the backstage talk with Frank (the one in which Frank tells Danny about his "surprise birthday party"
from the following day), Danny goes back home.

2. Whatever Gets You Through The Night - John Lennon

Plays in background of the birthday party scenes montage at Danny's place.

3. Hold On - John Lennon

After catching his girlfriend cheating on him, Danny drives to the New Jersey
Hilton Hotel in his extremely expensive Mercedes.

4. Beautiful Boy - John Lennon

Plays after Danny leaves after seeing his son for the first time.
Back at the hotel bar, drinking alone.

5. The Rip Tide - Beirut

After both of them having a tough day, Danny and Mary have a long night talk over drinks.

6. Nobody Told Me - John Lennon

After Danny has a talk with his son, in his bus.
Tom confesses to being sick of cancer and Danny declares that he's here to stay.

7. #9 Dream - John Lennon

Plays right before Danny's New Jersey gig; after Tom and Samantha agree to take Hope to Danny's gig.

8. Cold Turkey - John Lennon

Plays after Tom and Danny have a backstage fight, after his gig, when Hope sees him drugged.
Later, at the hotel, Mary scolds him for not playing his song.

9. Love - John Lennon

After Frank drops the piano at Tom's. Danny goes on his last tour.

10. Instant Karma - John Lennon

End Credits second song.

11. Adobe - The Bakelite Casket Company

End Credits last song.

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Danny Collins Soundtrack List