
Dave Grohl, Jessy Greene, Rami Jaffee & Jim Keltner - If I Were Me Soundtrack Lyrics

Dave Grohl, Jessy Greene, Rami Jaffee & Jim Keltner – If I Were Me Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Sound City” Documentary (2013) ] Whisper all your secrets
Tell me all your lies
Screaming your confessions
Show me where you hide Long your roots are lyin’
Deep within the dirt
Love already dyin’
Long before its birth If I were me, I’d wait forever
what’s your hurry, what’s your hurry
Never learned how to say never
What’s your worry, what’s you worry
Once upon a time…the end Could you hear me callin’
Did you hear me cry
Do you feel me fallin’
Frozen in the light Space between the moments
Pause between the breaths
Sin between the sermon
Life between the death If I were me, I’d wait forever
what’s your hurry, what’s your hurry
Never learned how to say never
What’s your worry, what’s you worry
Once upon a time…the end If I were me, I’d wait forever
what’s your hurry, what’s your hurry
Never learned how to say never
What’s your worry, what’s you worry
Pardon me for all the bother,
I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry
Once upon a time…the end… [Dave Grohl, Jessy Greene, Rami Jaffee & Jim Keltner – If I Were Me Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Sound City Documentary (2013)
Name "Sound City" Documentary (2013)

Picture/Poster Cover

Dave Grohl, Jessy Greene, Rami Jaffee & Jim Keltner - If I Were Me Soundtrack Lyrics

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